Saturday, February 28, 2009

Ashley & Nick

Last Saturday, I had the opportunity to do an engagement session with my friend, Ashley, and her fiance, Nick. We wanted to shoot somewhere special and since Nick popped the question at Disneyland we agreed it would be the perfect place. It was a bit difficult dealing with the crowds and harsh, mid-day lighting but I was in good company and I think we were able to get a couple nice shots in. Thank you Ashley and Nick for supporting my work!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Jamey & Andy

Yesterday, I did a session with my good friends Jamey and Andy at the Fullerton Arboretum. They are such a cute, fun couple which made them an absolute pleasure to work with.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Sneak Preview

Time sure has slipped through my fingers this week. I have been trying to edit pictures from the shoot I did last Friday every chance I get but I still feel as if I have barely started to work on them. Normally, I wouldn't spend a great deal of time playing with my pictures in Photoshop but since my goal was to create a fantasy world (and I lack the budget to build sets and make costumes) I plan on using it in the same way special effects artists would work on a movie (well, sort of). Hopefully, I can make my vision come to life. If not, I at least had a great time during the shoot and I got a few fashion editorial type shots out of it. For now, I thought I would at least give everyone a sneak preview of the ones I have finished so far. Oh, ya, the shoot was inspired by one of my favorite children's books, "Where the Wild Things Are" by Maurice Sendak. Here are a few of my wild things:

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Back to the Future

I finally have some new pictures to post! My friend Alex and I had a great time down at the beach on Saturday; we ended up at Wood's Cove in Laguna Beach. Unfortunately, the storm had pretty much cleared up by the time the sun set so I didn't get the dramatic, cloudy images I was hoping for. Nature photography is all about being at the right place at the right time though so I made the best of it and took a few long exposures of the water moving around the rocks.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Today I gave birth to my blog. Isn't she beautiful? Lol. I certainly have a lot of work to do with modifying the layout and such but I figured I would go ahead get it started today with a entry. Since I don't have any new pictures to post yet, I am going to go back in time a bit and post a few from a shoot I did in December titled, The Living Dead. Enjoy!